Tag Archives: david sedaris

Review: Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls – David Sedaris

Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls – David Sedaris


Title: Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls

Author: David Sedaris

Release Date: April 23, 2013

Publisher: Little Brown and Company

Format: Paperback

Page Number: 275

Source: Book Club

A guy walks into a bar car and…

From here the story could take many turns. When this guy is David Sedaris, the possibilities are endless, but the result is always the same: he will both delight you with twists of humor and intelligence and leave you deeply moved.

Sedaris remembers his father’s dinnertime attire (shirtsleeves and underpants), his first colonoscopy (remarkably pleasant), and the time he considered buying the skeleton of a murdered Pygmy.

With Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls, David Sedaris shows once again why his work has been called “hilarious, elegant, and surprisingly moving” (Washington Post).

1 out of 5 stars


This was a collection of short stories and essays recording parts of David Sedaris’s life. There were so many random tidbits of information in this book. He basically tells random stories from his life in a really weird way. He tells about how mean his father was to him when he was a kid, about how his passport got stolen by drug dealers, and how he felt during his first colonoscopy. So weird and so random. I have no idea how to feel about this book. I didn’t like it, but I did find myself laughing at some points. The weirdest short story from the whole book was where he buys this stuffed Pygmy owl for his boyfriend for Valentine’s Day (romantic??) at this sketchy random taxidermy shop in England. Why? I honestly do not understand what possessed this man to write about the things he ended up putting in this book.


Because this was so all over the place David was the only constant character. His boyfriend was nice enough, but only showed up in two or three stories. His dad was just weird and really mean, therefore I did not enjoy reading about him. Some of the side characters that he met along the way were fine; I liked the random girl from Australia. She told him about the kookaburra bird and sang the kookaburra song with him. The man at the taxidermy shop was super sketchy, though. Just weird characters along the way.

Who Would I Be?:

I didn’t like any of the characters from this book. David was irritating and weird. I usually like weird, but this went to another extreme. I really don’t know why this book was a thing. I wouldn’t choose to be anyone in this book, but if I had to choose I’d choose the Australian girl. She has an accent…

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