Tag Archives: mateo

Review: They Both Die at the End – Adam Silvera

They Both Die at the End – Adam Silvera

They Both Die at the End

Title: They Both Die at the End

Author: Adam Silvera

Release Date: September 5, 2017

Publisher: HarperTeen

Format: Hardcover

Page Number: 384

Source: Barnes and Noble

On September 5, a little after midnight, Death-Cast calls Mateo Torrez and Rufus Emeterio to give them some bad news: They’re going to die today. Mateo and Rufus are total strangers, but, for different reasons, they’re both looking to make a new friend on their End Day. The good news: There’s an app for that. It’s called the Last Friend, and through it, Rufus and Mateo are about to meet up for one last great adventure and to live a lifetime in a single day.

5 out of 5 stars

Spoiler alert: I LOVED THIS BOOK!

Mateo is shy and has some anxiety. He lives at home, his mother died, his father is in a coma in the hospital. Mateo receives a call from Death-Cast telling him he’ll die in the next 24 hours.

Rufus lives with a foster family and loves his foster brothers more than anything. He is beating the shit out of his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend when he receives a call from Death-Cast.

Mateo and Rufus both sign up for the Last Friend app in hopes of finding someone they connect to to make their last days on Earth more bearable. They match with each other, and spend the best days of their lives living the rest of their lives to the fullest.

I loved this book. I loved every single moment, and I didn’t want it to end.

This was my most anticipated release of the year aside from Lord of Shadows. I am so happy to say that this is one of my favorite books, and will recommend it to anyone and everyone. Quick story. I went to Barnes and Noble on the 4th of September knowing that this book was supposed to come out the next day. I go in with a plan. I’m going to cheat the system with this book because I want to read it now. So, I walk into the store. I go straight to the register and ask for help finding this book. I show the woman at the counter a photo of the cover, and she immediately tells me she’ll look for it for me. She calls some guy over to get help because she sees that it’s supposed to be released the next day, and he tells her that he put the books on the shelf that morning. He leads me over to the YA section, and points out the book to me, and I control myself while he hands me the book. I went in with the plan of cheating the system, and didn’t even have to. Go me.

Anyway, I started this book on the 4th and knew I was going to love it right away. The writing style was so fun and interesting, and also beautiful and poetic. The characters were so beautifully flawed it felt real. I can’t even express how much I loved reading this book.

Mateo and Rufus were so different from each other, but meshed so well together. Their friendship started, and you just knew that they were going to have a real friendship on their last day together. Even though this book took place over one day, the friendship between them felt so organic and real. So real. I loved them together because they helped one another so much.

The concept of this book is what originally sold me. It sold me, because I could see something like this actually happening. I don’t know how it would actually happen, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a way to figure it out. Getting a call on the day you’re going to die seems eerie, but it’s a really cool idea for a book. I think this would be such an amazing movie to watch, and I hope it happens, because damn I’m all for that.

This book was sweet, beautiful, sad, funny, cute, and full of love and heartache and hope. I will recommend this book to anyone. I loved this, and plan on reading more by Adam Silvera because I need more of his writing. He created one of my favorite friendships I’ve read, even though they only had one day together. Please read this book :)